Journal/Blog (20%)

Please use the following suggestions/directions for your weekly blog:

1. Give each entry a title followed by class number (i.e. My Biography ~ class 1).

2. The blog is worth 20 marks and usually makes a difference between a B+ or an A- or an A. Your MUST relate what we do in class (discussion, lab activities, what I say, etc.) with the course textbook and other class readings.

4. Sometimes throughout the course you will be asked to react to one of the readings specifically. The instructions will be given by Sam during the given week. Your entry for the week should be longer than usual (i.e. an extra paragraph or two specifically referencing the article). You may useone or more of the following prompts, if you’re looking for inspiration:

  • What's good? What did you find interesting or insightful about the reading? Did you appreciate their presentation of the theory, example applications or demonstrations, or their analysis and evaluation?
  • What's bad? What did you find confusing or unsupported in the work?  Did they present theory without evaluation, or did the topic seem poorly developed and trivial? 
  • Were there flaws or problems they didn't adequately address?
  • What did you learn today?
  • How do you feel about technology? (more/less comfortable)
  • What was the most useful/meaningful thing you learned in today's class?How could you apply the content of today's class in your personal, academic, or future professional life?
  • Was technology mentionned or used in your other classes?
  • What did you contribute to today's class?

5. Evaluation criteria: 

  • 2.7 The blog post has all the required components (reflection on readings, articles, discussion, lab activities, etc). It uses correct spelling and grammar, has a clear, original point, and backs it up with specific evidence. It opens up possibilities for future discussion.
  • 2.5 The blog entry has most of the required components (reflection on readings, articles, discussion, lab activities, etc). It often uses correct spelling and grammar (but with occasional mistakes)
  • 2.2  The blog entry lacks many of the required components (reflection on readings, articles, discussion, lab activities, etc). It does not have a clear point, lacks specific examples, or has many spelling and grammar errors.

Post weekly entries on Mighty Networks.

© Sam Bruzzese 2018